The Oshkosh Recreation Department is committed to providing you and your family with a safe, educational, and fun atmosphere while you attend our classes.  In order to provide a high quality program for all to enjoy, we please ask that you review behavior expectations with your child prior to class.  These expectations are similar to those that students must follow during a typical school day which include, but are not limited to: 

  • Showing up for programming or letting the ORD know that Participant will be absent prior to start of class.  In some cases, missing the first session of a class will warrant cancellation of further participation.
  • Being respectful of the instructor, fellow participants, and equipment / supplies being used for class
  • Using proper language before, during, and after class
  • Not participating in unsafe activities that may harm the participant or others around them
  • Wearing appropriate clothing
  • Cooperating with ORD instructors. 

If at any time these expectations are not being met, the participant may be removed from part or a whole activity, depending on the situation, and the parent or guardian will be notified of the incident at the end of the day.  Future violations may result in the dismissal of the participant from the class.

Please do not hesitate to talk to site staff or the Recreation office if you have any questions or concerns. 

Thank you for your cooperation, and enjoy our programs! 

Please contact our office as soon as possible if you are needing to drop from a program.

To ensure we adhere to participant safety and building security protocols, please plan to arrive at least 5 minutes before the start of your class. This will give us time to complete any necessary security checks to ensure that the session begins on time. In certain situations, doors may be locked to school facilities once the class begins and the instructor will not be able to come back and open them. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated!