FEES:  Resident Youth Fee - $10, Non-Resident Youth Fee - $15 (unless otherwise noted on program page).

  • Many of our youth programs are free of charge for Oshkosh residents due to the ORD being a part of the Oshkosh Area School District summer school program.

  • Any payments must be received by the ORD Office for all programs prior to program start date.  If payment has not been received, participant will be automatically dropped from the program choice(s).

  • Payment may be made via cash, check (Payable to ORD) or credit card (online, in office, or via phone - a $1.50 convenience fee will be assessed).

  • Returned Check Policy:  There is a service charge of $25.00 for all returned checks.  


  • In the event that a class is full, participants can be placed on a waitlist.
  • In the event of a class opening, the ORD office will send all participants on the waitlist an email notification that a spot has become available.
  • If participants on the waitlist are interested in enrolling, they need to call the ORD office at (920) 424-0150 weekdays between 8:00 AM and 4:00 PM or reply to received email. The first participants to respond and pay class fees will be registered.


In an effort to provide more opportunities for our community, It’s important that if you are not going to be able to attend the first class that you notify the ORD office PRIOR to the start of class.  If we do not hear from you and there is a waitlist (or the class has strict attendance policies for safety reasons), you may be dropped from the class and it will be filled with someone from the waitlist.  You will receive a notification that you have been dropped from the class so please do not show up on the second day.  If participants can’t make the first day of archery, cupcake wars or poms, they will be dropped from the class.


  • Financial assistance will be given to those who are OASD residents who qualify for the Free or Reduced Lunch Program.

  • Proof of qualification must be provided at the time of registration.  Reduced program fees will only be applied to our youth instructional programs where applicable.  Please provide your household's Free/Reduced letter with your paper registration or email our office a copy at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  Contact Food Service at (920) 424-4936 to obtain a copy if necessary.


Refunds will be processed under the following conditions:

  • A 100% refund will be issued if programs are cancelled by the ORD if the minimum enrollment is not met, lack of qualified instructors or if facility/equipment malfunctions.  You will be notified if this occurs.
  • a 50% refund will be issued if If fees have been paid and you drop from a program with a minimum of 10 days advanced notice

  • No refund will be issued to those who are automatically dropped from a class due to lack of attendance or failure to pay prior to program, or for those who notify us for any reason less that 10 days prior to the first day of class or once class begins.


  • Participants may initially enroll in a maximum of one class per season.  Participants may not register for two classes in the same session.
  • If you are unsure what level to register your child for, please call the ORD office at (920)424-0150 and we will try to assist you. If you have taken lessons elsewhere, please provide us with that information on your registration form under the swim lesson notes section so we may properly process your form.
  • Registration is a 2-part process:
    • Part 1 - We approve your child's registration, meaning we ensure that your child is signed up for the right swim level.  If that is the case, you will receive an email Notification that your child has been approved.  This is only the first step and does NOT guarantee that your child is registered.   
    • Part 2 - We go on to complete your child's Registration.  If there is a spot available in the Class in which you have enrolled your child, you will receive another email Notification that confirms Registration.  If there is not an available spot, you will receive an email Notification that states that Registration is Pending.  We will contact you if a spot becomes available.
  • If you are going to miss the first scheduled day of class, you MUST notify the ORD Office at (920) 424-0150, prior to the first day!
  • Registrations are NOT accepted at the pool site.

If you have any questions or concerns, please speak with the Head Instructor at your lesson site or call the ORD at (920) 424-0150.


For Youth programming, unless otherwise noted in the program description, classes are set up with a "drop off/pickup" format. Some programs and locations are not conducive for parent viewing and/or remaining on-site during programming.  Parent-child style classes will always be noted as such.

If you have questions or concerns regarding these or any other ORD policies, please contact the ORD ahead of the class start date.

ORD Code of Conduct

The Oshkosh Recreation Department is committed to providing you and your family with a safe, educational, and fun atmosphere while you attend our classes.  In order to provide a high quality program for all to enjoy, we please ask that you review behavior expectations with your child prior to class.  These expectations are similar to those that students must follow during a typical school day which include, but are not limited to: 
  • Showing up for programming or letting the ORD know that Participant will be absent prior to start of class.  In some cases, missing the first session of a class will warrant cancellation of further participation.
  • Being respectful of the instructor, fellow participants, and equipment / supplies being used for class
  • Using proper language before, during, and after class
  • Not participating in unsafe activities that may harm the participant or others around them
  • Wearing appropriate clothing
  • Cooperating with ORD instructors. 
If at any time these expectations are not being met, the participant may be removed from part or a whole activity, depending on the situation, and the parent or guardian will be notified of the incident at the end of the day.  Future violations may result in the dismissal of the participant from the class.
Please do not hesitate to talk to site staff or the Recreation office if you have any questions or concerns.  Thank you for your cooperation, and enjoy our programs! 

Please contact our office as soon as possible if you are needing to drop from a program.

To ensure we adhere to participant safety and building security protocols, please plan to arrive at least 5 minutes before the start of your class. This will give us time to complete any necessary security checks to ensure that the session begins on time. In certain situations, doors may be locked to school facilities once the class begins and the instructor will not be able to come back and open them. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated!

Our convenient drop box slot is located in the left-hand door of our west entrance off Algoma Boulevard (Door #3).