• Day: M & W | Summer: T & Th
  • Date: 2/24/25 - 5/7/25 | Summer: 6/3/25 - 8/14/25
  • Time: 6:45 - 7:45 PM | Summer: 6:00 - 7:00 PM
  • Location: ONHS Pool, Door #1 | Summer: ONHS - Use Door #20
  • When is this offered?: Both Summer and School Year

You do NOT have to swim to enjoy this class!  Cardiovascular condintioning and spot toning done in water.  This class offers less stress on the joints and back. 

How to Participate:

Participants must purchase a punch card before attending a class.

A maximum of 30 classes may be purchased per card. $2.50 per punch. 

The card may be used at any of the listed classes. Participants can join a class at any time.

Cards are available for purchase at the ORD office and on- site at the class location.

Cards will only be sold BEFORE class at the on-site locations.

Payment by check is preferred. Cash payments must have exact change. 

CURRENT CARDS ARE VALID FROM : SEPTEMBER 1, 2024 THROUGH AUGUST 31, 2025.  Cards from Summer 2024 or prior are not valid after August 31, 2024.   

— Important Fitness Note —

Before you start any exercise program you should consult with your physician, especially if you are over 35 years of age, are taking any form of medication, have not exercised regularly, or if you have had any symptoms of heart disease or other serious illness that might affect your ability to exercise