Read more about the story behind the Adam Gundlach Memorial Swim Meet.
This is a FUN event for all ages and swimming abilities!
Events will include front crawl, backstroke, breaststroke, inner tube race, noodle race and life jacket race for boys and girls.
- Participants must be at least 3 year old by the date of the meet, July 11, 2025.
- Participants must be able to swim at least one length (25 yards) with or without use of a life jacket.
We encourage cheering and good sportsmanship. Participants will receive goodies for participating and a chance to win a door prize. Spectators can participate in our 50-50 cash raffle. Proceeds go back to help fund future meets.
Registration forms are available at Summer swim lessons, pdf here (481 KB) , and at the ORD office beginning June 9. Registration deadline is Thursday, July 3. Late registrations will not be accepted.