• Who is this for?: Age Groups 7-9 & 10-12
  • Fees: $10.00
  • Non-Resident Fees: $15.00
  • Day: Monday & Wednesday or Tuesday & Thursday
  • Date: Various. See Registration
  • Time: Various. See Registration.
  • Location: Sheldon Nature Center - Oakwood Elementary School
  • When is this offered?: Summer

Exploring the wilderness can be dangerous if you're not prepared.  In these classes, explorers will learn how to successfully navigate the outdoors if they are hiking or if they're ever lost in the woods!  Onlilne registration begins on Monday, April 29!

Survival Skills 101 - Explorers will learn how to successfully navigate the outdoors if they are hiking or if they're ever lost in the woods.

Survival Skills 102 - Those who have previously taken our Outdoor Survival Skills 101 class get to learn advanced skills.  Cannot be taken siumltaneously with OSS101.

Class Ages Dates Day  Times
Outdoor Survival Skills 101 7 - 9 8/18 & 8/20 M & W 8:30 - 10:00 AM
Outdoor Survival Skills 101 10 - 12 8/18 & 8/20 M & W 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Outdoor Survival Skills 102 7 - 9 8/19 & 8/21 T & Th 8:30 - 10:00 AM
Outdoor Survival Skills 102 10 - 12 8/19 & 8/21 T & Th 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM


Sheldon Nature Area Map