• Who is this for?: Grades 3 - 6
  • Fees: $110.00
  • Non-Resident Fees: $115.00
  • Day: Monday - Thursday
  • Date: 7/28 - 7/31
  • Time: Varies by age group. See registration.
  • Location: Vel Phillips MS, Door #17 - Community Room B125
  • When is this offered?: Both Summer and School Year

 YEL! Coding - Animation and Video Games

Grade as of 25 - 26 School Year

Coding Class Dates Days Time
K - 2 Yel! Vido Game Creation - Dragons and Unicorns 7/28 - 7/31 M - Th 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
3 - 6 Yel! Coding Animation and Video Games with Scratch 7/28 - 7/31 M - Th 1:00 - 4:00 PM





Dragons and Unicorns: Fun and Fury" inspires students to cultivate their creativity through character development and video game design. Students will design mythical dragons and unicorns that embark on a legendary quest to overcome obstacles and challenges, until they face an epic challenge to save the world!

STEM Video Game Enrichment for the 21st Century learner. Each YEL! Coding class follows three basic components:

  • Teach It!  Students learn different video game and storytelling design techniques (movement blocks, control blocks, basic animation, adding scores, etc.)
  • Code It!  Students use Scratch® to code their own story and video games.
  • Explore It!  Students can write their own story and video game code, experiment with it and test new options. Our collaborative learning environment encourages students to learn from each other.

PARENT NOTE: Students may be asked to bring toys from home to photograph and add to their video game stories.

Registration begins Monday, April 28th!

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